Submission Guidelines

𓄧 We accept mostly anything. If you think it would fit within this zine (or even if you don't) send it in! We're looking to work with the weird and out of place. We are also willing (and wanting) to work with multimedia pieces like music, games, gifs, videos, etc. Please refer to our gallery and our first Autopsy for reference in how we try to incorporate these in print!
𓄧 We will accept previously published works under certain conditions. We are mostly referring to pieces just simply posted online (Instagram, blogs, etc.). We know "published" for each zine is a loose term and we're willing to work with what situation you've got just tell us in the comments of your submission! Our rule is if we have to credit another zine, or you don't have the full rights to your piece, then we can't print because we need those rights to publish and make it through review for print. Let us save your cadavers from the social media plague pits!
𓄧 We kindly ask that pieces with explicit sexual violence, racism, homophobia or hate speech in general not be submitted. We know that writing is a form of release and a way for artists to work through trauma (especially in horror) so we're willing to accept pieces with these themes we just ask that it have artistic intent. You're welcome (and we encourage) that you add any warnings, explanations, or summaries of your piece if you feel it might be particularly explicit. We're a horror zine, we love stuff that gives us nightmares so just use good judgement.
𓄧 We hate that we even have to say this but NO AI created works please.
𓄧 Please be 18+.

Written Submissions:
â™± Legible font
â™± Please note if there are any hard-line intentional formatting, otherwise some elements may be subject to change due to page sizing etc.
â™± .pdf only please, we have strayed from word so it's the best way for us to preserve your intended formatting.
â™± 2000 words maximum per submission; single or double-spaced
â™± 3 pages maximum per submission; single or double-spaced
â™± .jpeg or .png
â™± If the piece is multimedia please submit as is and we'll figure it out down the line.
â™± If you would like to be considered for the cover please note that edits may be made to your piece to fit the cover (i.e text, color palette etc). Any edits will be approved by the artist first before publication!
3 Submissions Per Open Call
(you can mix and match categories)
If you want one please include a short bio. (50 words max)